Auto Insurance in and around Cotati
Auto owners in the Cotati area, State Farm can help with your insurance needs.
Put it into drive, wisely

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Insure For Smooth Driving
You need an agent who is not only knowledgable in the field, but who is also caring and dependable. That's State Farm Agent Jared Soukup! Cotati drivers choose Jared Soukup for a protection plan aligned with their specific needs, from the State Farm name.
Auto owners in the Cotati area, State Farm can help with your insurance needs.
Put it into drive, wisely

Great Coverage For A Variety Of Vehicles
Terrific emergency road service coverage, medical payments coverage, liability coverage, and more, could be yours with coverage from State Farm. State Farm agent Jared Soukup can confirm which of those coverage options, as well as savings options like Steer Clear® and a newer vehicle safety features discount, you may be eligible for!
You don't have to ride solo when you have insurance from State Farm. Call or email Jared Soukup's office today for more information on which coverage fits your needs with State Farm auto insurance.
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Jared at (707) 794-8100 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Getting off to the right start: Auto insurance for foreign drivers
Getting off to the right start: Auto insurance for foreign drivers
If you are visiting the U.S. or are an immigrant that recently arrived in the country, car insurance will be essential in order for you to drive.
What to do when your teenager has a car accident
What to do when your teenager has a car accident
A car accident as a teen can be tricky. Let us walk you through several tips to help prepare your teen before an accident happens and what to do after one occurs.

Jared Soukup
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Getting off to the right start: Auto insurance for foreign drivers
Getting off to the right start: Auto insurance for foreign drivers
If you are visiting the U.S. or are an immigrant that recently arrived in the country, car insurance will be essential in order for you to drive.
What to do when your teenager has a car accident
What to do when your teenager has a car accident
A car accident as a teen can be tricky. Let us walk you through several tips to help prepare your teen before an accident happens and what to do after one occurs.